Behaviour of ultrasonic properties on SnAs, InTe and PbSb

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Devraj Singh
Chinmayee Tripathy
Rita Paikaray
Ashish Mathur
Shikha Wadhwa


In present investigation, we studied the elastic, ultrasonic and thermal properties of SnAs, InTe and PbSb. The Coulomb and Born-Mayer potential model was utilized to compute the second and third order elastic constants up to second nearest neighbor. The direction dependent ultrasonic velocities for longitudinal and shear waves, Debye average velocity and mechanical constants such as bulk modulus, shear modulus, tetragonal modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio, Pugh’s indicator (shear modulus to bulk modulus ratio) and Zener anisotropy ratio were obtained with the use of the second order elastic constants and the density of the chosen materials. Since the Pugh’s indicator is greater than 0.59 for all chosen materials, they have a brittle nature. Further the second and third order elastic constants with other associated acoustical parameters were used to compute the Debye temperature, thermal relaxation time, acoustic coupling constant and ultrasonic attenuation. The total ultrasonic attenuation is the smallest in the case of InTe along the <100> direction and highest for SnAs along the <111> direction. Thermo-elastic loss is insignificant in comparison to the loss due to the phonon-phonon interaction mechanism. Additionally, the thermal conductivity of these materials was found using Cahill’s approach. The results of this investigation are discussed with the available findings and for other rock salt structured materials.

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How to Cite
Singh, D., Tripathy, C., Paikaray, R., Mathur, A., & Wadhwa, S. (2019). Behaviour of ultrasonic properties on SnAs, InTe and PbSb. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 46(2), 98–105. retrieved from


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