Modified interactive strut-and-tie model for shear strength prediction of RC corbels

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Panatchai Chetchotisak
Parin Rulak
Jaruek Teerawong


On the basis of the modified Kupfer and Gerstle’s biaxial failure criterion of concrete, a modified interactive strut-and-tie model (MISTM) to predict the nominal shear strength of RC corbels was derived and is proposed in this paper. The MISTM includes the interaction between the load-carrying capacity of a concrete strut and a tension tie, and the effects of horizontal force. The number of horizontal and vertical stirrups was considered. To validate and calibrate the MISTM, a dataset test results for 302 corbels was collected from the literature. Finally, the predictions obtained from the MISTM were also compared with those computed using the strut-and-tie models in accordance with the ACI 318 code and the state-of-the-art presented in the literature, and are found to be more accurate and reliable.

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How to Cite
Chetchotisak, P., Rulak, P., & Teerawong, J. (2019). Modified interactive strut-and-tie model for shear strength prediction of RC corbels. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 46(1), 18–25. retrieved from


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