Preparation of calibration standard gas mixtures by primary gravimetric method: a case study on 960 μmol/mol of carbon dioxide in a nitrogen matrix

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Harry Budiman
Muhammad Rizky Mulyana
Oman Zuas


Calibration standard gas mixtures (CSGMs) are important reference standards that are necessary to achieve traceability for accurate and reliable gas measurement results. The CSGM of ~960 μmol/mol carbon dioxide (CO2) in a nitrogen (N2) matrix as the target concentration were prepared using a gravimetric method according to ISO 6142 with one dilution step. The CSGMs of ~2.8 % mol/mol CO2 in N2 were prepared and used as pre-mixtures. Verification of the CSGMs (pre-mixtures and target concentration) was conducted using a gas chromatographic thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD). The results indicated that both the gravimetrical value and the analyzed value of CO2 concentration where in good agreement. Excellent stability of the ~960 μmol/mol of CO2 in N2 CSGMs was shown during storage for a specified time. Such stability was characterized by a relative low uncertainty (0.177%) that was less than the required target uncertainty (0.250%). Additionally, determination of CO2 concentration in a working standard (WS) gas mixture was done using two-point calibration and it generated higher precision than other methods. This implies that two-point calibration (bracketing technique) approach is a promising method that can be applied for quantification of the concentrations of sample gas mixtures in an international laboratory comparison held by the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP-QM-S15), and for certification of a WS.

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How to Cite
Budiman, H., Mulyana, M. R., & Zuas, O. (2018). Preparation of calibration standard gas mixtures by primary gravimetric method: a case study on 960 μmol/mol of carbon dioxide in a nitrogen matrix. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(3), 173–179. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Harry Budiman, Gas Analysis Laboratory (GasAL), Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Center for Metrology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI), Indonesia

Gas Analysis Laboratory (GasAL), Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Center for Metrology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI), Build No. 456, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314, Banten, Indonesia

Muhammad Rizky Mulyana, Gas Analysis Laboratory (GasAL), Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Center for Metrology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI), Indonesia

Gas Analysis Laboratory (GasAL), Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Center for Metrology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI), Build No. 456, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314, Banten, Indonesia

Oman Zuas, Gas Analysis Laboratory (GasAL), Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Center for Metrology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI), Indonesia

Metrology in Chemistry (Principle Scientis)


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