The Development of Blended Supervision Process with Cooperative Supervision to Enhance Learning Management Competencies of Vocational Teachers in Industrial and Community Education Colleges in the Southern Area
Blended Supervision, Cooperative Supervision, Supervision Partners, Learning Management CompetenciesAbstract
The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop a blended supervision process combine with cooperative supervision to enhance learning management competencies of vocational teachers in industrial and community education colleges in the southern area and 2) study the effects of using blended supervision process with cooperative supervision to enhance learning management competencies of vocational teachers in industrial and community education colleges in the southern area. The samples included 351 staffs derived by cluster sampling technique from 15 colleges who voluntarily participated in the project. The tools used to collect data were 5 sets: (1) the knowledge test, (2) the learning lesson plan quality assessment, (3) the research quality assessment, (4) the behavioral characteristics assessment, and (5) a satisfaction questionnaire on supervision. The data analysis was conducted through percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) the development of blended supervision process with cooperative supervision to enhance learning competencies of vocational teachers in industrial and community education colleges in the southern area consisted of 5 important steps, i.e., planning, reinforcing knowledge, supervising, evaluating the supervision, and supervision feedbacks. The supervision was conducted both on site and online. The cooperative supervision method was developed by matching contracts of supervising recipients and the coaching and mentoring supervision technique. The results showed that the developed supervision process was appropriate and feasible at the highest level. 2) The results of using the blended supervision process with cooperative supervision to enhance learning competencies of vocational teachers in industrial and community education colleges in the southern area revealed that the teachers' competencies on learning management and knowledge on learning management planning were in moderate level while research skills for learning development was overall in good level. In terms of characteristics of being a teacher, overall was at a good level. Moreover, the overall supervision satisfaction was at the highest level.
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