The Project Evaluation to Promote Invention, Innovation, and Research Competition of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College Academic Year 2019


  • Wanchai Phanrueang Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College, Suratthani


Project Evaluation, Invention, Innovation, Research


The objective of this research was to evaluate the promotion of invention, innovation, and research competition of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College academic year 2019. The sample group included 490 people consisting of 5 executive management, 56 teachers and academic officials, and 429 vocational certificate students and diploma students of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College derived by simple random sampling. The research instrument was rating scale questionnaire. The data analysis employed percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviations.

The findings of the study revealed the project evaluation of invention, innovation, and research competition of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College academic year 2019 as follows. The first part evaluated by the administrators, teachers, and academic staffs showed that the overall result was at very high level with the highest factor on the environment followed by the input, the operation process, and the output of the project. The second part evaluated by teachers and academic staffs showed that the overall result was very high level with the highest aspect on the output of the project followed by the operation process, environment, and the input. The third part evaluated by the students showed that the overall result was at high level.


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