Development of Glycerine Purification Process from By-product of Biodiesel Production Process from Used-oil

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Patcha Poempipat


In the present time, humans are using more and more energy, which is caused the need to look for alternative energy to replace the current energy.  Biodiesel is one of the interesting alternative energy in the future. Moreover, if the cost of production is lower, it will make biodiesel more interesting. So, the researcher is interested in extracting the glycerin from crude glycerine, which is a by-product from the biodiesel production process, in order to increase the value and reduce the cost of biodiesel production. The researcher had been studied the separation of glycerine by using 8 M of sulfuric acid and 8 M of phosphoric acid. This research used the percentage of acid ratio by weight of crude glycerine at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 to study whether acid type and acid ratio by weight of crude glycerine that affect to the quantity and purity of crude glycerin.  From the research, it was found that when the pH of glycerine solution was close to 2, the glycerine layer was separated quickly and there was a large amount of glycerine.  For sulfuric acid, the percentage of acid ratio by weight of crude glycerine at 10% gave the largest amount of glycerine at the percentage of glycerine purity of 89.7±0.01.  For phosphoric acid, the percentage of acid ratio by weight of crude glycerine at 16% gave the largest amount of glycerine at the percentage of glycerine purity of 87.7±0.01.  The purification process of glycerine extraction by using sulfuric acid 8 M could increase the percentage of glycerine purity from 40.2±0.02 percent to 89.7±0.01 percent. The purity of glycerine increased 49.5±0.01.  The purification process of glycerine extraction by using phosphoric acid 8 M could increase the percentage of glycerine purity from 40.2±0.02 percent to 87.7±0.01 percent. The purity of glycerine increased 47.5±0.01.


Keywords : Glycerine, Crude Glycerine, Purification

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How to Cite
P. Poempipat, “Development of Glycerine Purification Process from By-product of Biodiesel Production Process from Used-oil”, Crma. J., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 45–58, Dec. 2023.
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