A Study of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Waste mixed with Asphalt Concrete for Road Construction

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Sub Lieutenant Suttichai Charoenkij
Lieutenant Colonel Tanitchet Doungsoma
Associate Professor Dr. Saravut Jaritngam


Abstract : This research studies the engineering properties of asphalt concrete (AC) that have been improved with recycled polyethylene terephthalate waste (PET) commonly found in the form of clear bottles. As plastic waste is one of many pollutions that contribute to today's environmental problems, researchers recognize the benefits of recycling it. This research studies AC60 - 70 graded asphalt concrete mixing with wasted PET. In different ratios by weight, various engineering property indices were tested to examine the material quality of each mix. These indices are quantified by performing the penetration test, softening point test, flash point test, and ductility test. When the initial property values are known, the researcher team then performed another test using the Marshall method for asphalt concrete testing to assess strength and functionality. The test result shows that asphalt concrete with 10% of PET has increased the stability from 2,133 lbs. to 2,824 lbs. (32.4% stability increased). In conclusion, wasted plastic replacement can significantly improve engineering property of asphalt concrete Including management of the plastic waste problem.

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How to Cite
S. . Charoenkij, T. . Doungsoma, and S. . Jaritngam, “A Study of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Waste mixed with Asphalt Concrete for Road Construction”, Crma. J., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 96–110, Sep. 2021.
Research Articles


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