The Assessment of Community Scale Greenhouse and Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the study case in Phachi Municipality

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Lieutenant Colonel Assistant Professor Dr. Karun Chaivanich


This research aimed to assess the amount of Community Scale Greenhouse Gas in Phachi Municipality and to predict the Community Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission, which followed the handbook of Greenhouse gas reduction to low carbon city project of Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization. According to the study of Community Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission in 2020, it was found that Phachi Municipality had Greenhouse Gas Emission from various activities at 24,557.51 tCO2eq. For the prediction of Greenhouse Gas Emission in 2030 is at 26,788.54 tCO2eq. The goal was to reduce 20 percentage of Greenhouse Gas Emission, according to the emission in 2020 (base year). According to the assessment of measures and how to reduce the emission by analyzing marginal cost and assistive technology to help reduce the gas, it was found that marginal cost of the project in 2030 will be the installation of 1 kWp solar rooftop, which is equal to 2,362.26 tCO2eq. While the 5 kWp solar rooftop is equal to –1,566.57 tCO2eq. Switching from fluorescent light bulb to LED will be -120.65 tCO2eq. To produce Refuse Derived Fuel : RDF will equal to -1,250.45 tCO2eq and the Water Management in Paddy Field for Reduction of Environmental Impacts on Methane requires no budget. The result of the assessment of marginal cost with suitable investment in technology is by installing 1 kWp solar rooftop. That can make profit and reduce the gas emission at the same time. The next choice is to install 5 kWp solar rooftop, produce Refuse Derived Fuel, use LED light instead of fluorescent T8 and Water Management in Paddy Field for Reduction of Environmental Impacts on Methane, respectively.

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How to Cite
K. Chaivanich, “The Assessment of Community Scale Greenhouse and Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the study case in Phachi Municipality”, Crma. J., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 65–75, Sep. 2021.
Research Articles


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