The Training Kits of 850 and 1310 Nanometer Optical Transmission by Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Captain Chana Jan-im
Vitawat Sittakul


The objective of this research is to create a demonstration set of light transmission using 850 and 1310 nm split-multiplexing method. There are 2 parts of the process: the optical signal transmission demonstration kit and the experimental worksheet. The optical transmission demonstration kit uses the wavelength-division multiplexing device (WDM) to receive and transmit signals through optical fiber. The transmitter uses a laser diode with wavelengths of 850 and 1310 nm as a device for transmitting signals through optical fibers, using a single mode type, to a photodiode that is a device in the receiver section. This research is therefore very useful for experiments in order to study the principles of optical communication using a wavelength-division multiplexing device (WDM) method. It is also a medium of instruction for electrical engineering cadets in communication operations class. This research found that it is possible to carry out the experiment using properties of laser diodes, photodiodes and the principle of wavelength-division multiplexing. However, the 850 and 1310 nm signal de-multiplexing has an estimated displacement of 5-10 dBm from lasers of the two wavelengths’ threshold points arising from the signal through medium such as optical fiber coupler. This results from which the researcher has connected the multiplexed devices (Mux) directly to each other. However the result is only a slight error.

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How to Cite
C. Janim and V. . Sittakul, “The Training Kits of 850 and 1310 Nanometer Optical Transmission by Wavelength Division Multiplexing”, Crma. J., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 47–56, Sep. 2021.
Research Articles


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