The Study of the Mixing Duration Time and Recirculation Rate Effect to Biogas Production from Sweet Corn Waste by Dry Fermentation Process

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ศศิธร ใสปา
ฐปน ชื่นบาล
นิกราน หอมดวง
จุฑาภรณ์ ชนะถาวร
รจพรรณ นิรัญศิลป์


The main purposes of this research are to study the potential of biogas production using sweet corn agricultural wastes from the food processing industry and to investigate the mixing duration time and recirculation rate of the sludge that affects the dry fermentation process. The experiment was set to produce the gases via dry batch anaerobic digestion which was carried out in pilot scale (1,000 L) under ambient temperature condition and fixing of the initial total solid (TS) at 25% (w/v). Hydraulic retention time was 30 days and the experiments were divided into two groups with the recirculating rate of every 6 and 12 h, 10 mins each time, from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm. The results of this study showed the effects of using the mixing duration and recirculating rate at every 6 and 12 h had a daily average biogas production at 283.34 and 240.63 L/day, the cumulative biogas content of the system were 9,060.86 and 7,688.11 L. The highest proportions of methane were 58.4% and 59.6%. The average methane productions potential were 0.688 and 0.564 L CH4/g VS added. In addition, when comparing the efficiency of COD, TS and VS removal, it was found that the mixing rate of every 6 h gave higher value than the mixing rate of every 12 h, which were 77.08%, 61.26% and 62.56%, respectively. Therefore, the biogas production systems via dry fermentation process with the doubled recirculating rate were able to increase the gas production 15.15%. The results of this research can be used in establishing a biogas system with dry fermentation process for industrial plants that have large amounts of agricultural waste.

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ใสปา ศ., ชื่นบาล ฐ., หอมดวง น., ชนะถาวร จ., and นิรัญศิลป์ ร., “The Study of the Mixing Duration Time and Recirculation Rate Effect to Biogas Production from Sweet Corn Waste by Dry Fermentation Process”, Crma. J., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 87–105, Oct. 2020.
Research Articles


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