Development of Analytical Instrument of Subjective Tests for the Royal Thai Air Force

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อนุรักษ์ โชติดิลก


Development of analytical instrument of subjective tests for the Royal Thai Air Force is categorized as Research and Development(R&D) . The objective of this research is to (1) Develop analytical instrument of subjective tests for the Royal Thai Air Force to be processed and viewed on the Smart Phone. and (2) To survey user's opinions. The steps of the development are as follows :1) Analyze the old system and user requirements from Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy, Air Command and Staff College and Senior Air Officer College. 2) Design system to support the use. 3) Develop instrument to support data and display on Smart Phone and 4) Test the system both in simulation and real situations by using 7 random people from 3 institutes of the Royal Thai Air Force.
The development of analytical instrument of subjective tests for the Royal Thai Air Force will make teachers and educational personnel of the Royal Thai Air Force aware of the quality improvement process for examinations. The process has not been used in the Royal Thai Air Force because educational personnel lacks knowledge and understanding. It has been considered as a difficult and time-consuming process especially the process of statistical data analysis. Users who were randomly selected have responded that the access to instruments, the ease of viewing data results, the completeness of the statistics required for analysis and the reliability of the instrument are at the highest level (>4.50). The ease of data entry and the convenience of applying the results of the printed examination report are at a high level (3.50<≤4.50).

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How to Cite
โชติดิลก อ., “Development of Analytical Instrument of Subjective Tests for the Royal Thai Air Force”, Crma. J., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 61–74, Oct. 2020.
Research Articles


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