Reliability Analysis of foundation before and after strengthening

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ภาสวร บุญญาวินิจ
สหรัฐ พุทธวรรณะ


The purpose of this research is the analysis of the structural reliability of the case study building foundations prior and posterior the improvement and strengthening by using Steel Micropile. The case study building is the Building A of Social Science Complex Building (SC2), Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus. From the calculation recheck, there are 15 foundations (P1-P15) of this building that must be repaired because their capacities cannot resist the factored design load
(ՓDLDL + ՓLLLL) from the building. So, the foundations improvement and strengthening are required to guarantee that this building can be used effectively. By the reliability analysis process, both loads (Q) and resistances (R) of building foundations have to be calculated (prior and posterior the strengthening) and then the reliability indexes have been calculated in order to evaluate and compare the reliability indexes of building foundations (before and after improvement) each other and target reliability index and compute foundations safety as well.
The results show that the structural reliability indexes after strengthening are more than target reliability index or not. The strengthening results the reliability indexes which improve after strengthening. Furthermore, there are some foundations which have their reliability indexes more than target reliability index as well, this structural strengthening method improves the foundation performance that can handle all loads occurred in real situation and make it safer.

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How to Cite
บุญญาวินิจ ภ. and พุทธวรรณะ ส., “Reliability Analysis of foundation before and after strengthening”, Crma. J., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 155–164, Dec. 2018.
Research Articles


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