Environmental Impacts of Gas Transmission Pipeline from Myanmar in Tong Pha Phum and Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province

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ภัทรกร ชัยสินธุ์
สามัคคี บุณยะวัตน์
สมนิมิตร พุกงาม
สันติ แสงเลิศไสว


Natural gas resources at western of Thailand are from Yadana Zawtika and Yetagun, from Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Gas transmission supply is done by pipeline, start at Tong Pha Phum district and Sai Yok district, Kanchanaburi province. Major customers is Ratchaburi Power Plant. So environmental and social impact is very important for sustainability energy management of Thailand. Therefore, this is research proposal. The objective of this research is to analyse significant Environmental Impact Assessment from gas transmission pipeline and to study and monitor environmental impact of gas transmission pipeline in pre-construction period, construction period and monitoring period from gas transmission pipeline in Tong Pha Phum and Sai Yok district, Kanchanaburi Province. The research is collected secondary data from Environmental Impact Assessment operation and final report that submitted by Environmental Impact Evaluation Bureau from project of gas transmission pipeline from Yadana resource (Myanmar), project of gas transmission pipeline for installation compressor at Block Valve Waste 7 (BVW7), project of gas transmission pipeline for installation new compressor unit 4 at BVW7 and project of onshore gas transmission pipeline from boundary of Thailand and Myanmar at BVW1. This research collects environmental data of Air quality (Nitrogen dioxide; NO2, Sulfur dioxide; SO2, Carbon monoxide; CO and Total Suspended Solid; TSP), Air stack quality (Oxide of Nitrogen as Nitrogen dioxide; NOx as NO2, Sulfur dioxide; SO2, Carbon monoxide; CO and Total Suspended Solid; TSP), Sound level (Leq 24 hr and Lmax), Effluent of wastewater treatment (pH, temperature, Suspended Solid, Biochemical Oxygen Demand; BOD and Chemical Oxygen Demand; COD). Interview 2 groups are group of governments and community leaders and group of people 110 samples for Tong Pha Phum district and 607 samples for Sai Yok district. Total are 717 samples. The result is significant aspect of environmental impacts in pre-construction period is noise, construction period is dust and monitoring period is noise. All parameters of environmental analysis test report in pre-construction period, construction period and monitoring period had qualified with standard. Result of interview group of governments and community leaders and group of people. Total are 717 samples show that people do not concern effect of safety and environmental operation from gas transmission pipeline and have suggestion from interview was continued support activity of community, provide information of gas transmission pipeline activity to community and support local employee.

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How to Cite
ชัยสินธุ์ ภ., บุณยะวัตน์ ส., พุกงาม ส., and แสงเลิศไสว ส., “Environmental Impacts of Gas Transmission Pipeline from Myanmar in Tong Pha Phum and Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province”, Crma. J., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 77–94, Dec. 2018.
Research Articles


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