Hight Strength Concrete Mixed Ashes from Biomass Materials using Microwave Curing

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ทวีศักดิ์ รุ่งศักดิ์ทวีกุล
ปิยะพงศ์ กี่สวัสดิ์คอน
รัฐศักดิ์ พรหมมาศ


This research is a study of high strength concrete by using a mixture of ashes from biomass materials, cured with a microwave to build up heat in side and mass transfer from the concrete. The objective of this study to explained physical properties and mechanical properties, particularly compression strength of concrete. To compare the physical properties and mechanical properties of concrete with a compressive high strength of natural curing time at 28 days. The study of physical properties and compressive strength of high strength concrete was found that. Curing of concrete using microwave at high power is required to take time to curing than the low watt microwave.

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How to Cite
รุ่งศักดิ์ทวีกุล ท., กี่สวัสดิ์คอน ป., and พรหมมาศ ร., “Hight Strength Concrete Mixed Ashes from Biomass Materials using Microwave Curing”, Crma. J., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 53–61, Dec. 2018.
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