The increasing efficiency for POS system in the coffee shop business with LINE chat bot
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The objective of this research is to design and develop point of sale (POS) system in the coffee shop business. The LINE application chat bot is applied to the POS system in order to facilitate the report of product sales and display the order set as requested by the user. In the research methodology, we focuses on development of prototype software so that the design and development system meet the requirements of the coffee shop business operators. The results of the development of the coffee shop POS system primarily serve the main functions including, 1) user registration and permission, 2) product category and information, 3) product management, 4) daily and annual sales reports, 5) bills payment, 6) stock management and 7) order report and item lists with the LINE API Chat Bot. In the performance evaluation of POS system, the result show the satisfaction of function test of system, derived from expert staff, obtain a good level (=4.49). Furthermore, the satisfaction of the usability test, provided coffee shop operators, yield a very good level (= 4.52).
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