The development of an application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices
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This research has objective to develop an application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices and evaluated an application. It enables seniors to use smartphone applications to read text messages from the Thai drug label. By evaluating the accuracy of the application developed with the test method for 7 different Thai character sets, it was found that the application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices, the accuracy was more than 70% and with a maximum accuracy of 92% from the letter TH SarabunPSK. In term of the Diffusion of Innovation theory: DOI, the application developed was performed by 5 experts, the arithmetic mean was 4.32 and the standard deviation was 0.48. This indicates that the application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices was accepted to be brought for the dissemination at a high level. Then, the application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices was distributed to 30 elderly people in Angthong province. Subsequently, the efficiency evaluation was measured on the acceptance of the application developed by using the theory of Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology: UTAUT, the arithmetic mean was 4.58 and the standard deviation was 0.49. This indicates that elderly users agree to use the application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices, which can be published to the fullest extent possible at the highest level. And evaluate the user satisfaction with the developed application, it was found that the arithmetic mean value at 4.67 and the standard deviation value at 0.47 which showed that the users were satisfied with the application for helping and encourage Thai reading for senior person on mobile devices at the highest level. It could be said that the developed application helped in having a more effective reading the Thai text to the seniors.
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