Development of knowledge-based system for wooden handicraft: A case study of carvers in Hang Dong and San Pa Tong districts, Chiang Mai province

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ชัยวัฒน์ นันทศรี


This research aims at examining the current situation of wooden handicraft business and developing a knowledge-based system for wooden handicraft, using the case study among carvers in Hang Dong and San Pa Tong districts, Chiang Mai province. The quantitative approach is applied via document analysis, participatory and non-participatory observation, structural interview and in-depth interview. The study results show that 1) The wooden handicraft and other handicrafts business in Hang Dong and San Pa Tong districts still have been run by enterprise group, despite continuously decreasing number of carvers and shops with smaller number of new carvers. 2) Knowledge management has been conducted per Knowledge Organization, using classification approach with main topic set up per the KM framework in order to obtain the KM approach and theoretical concepts of KM system, resulting in knowledge classification by groups such as equipment/tools, type of wood, carving method/procedure, carving techniques, unique pattern for carving and name list of expertise carvers (carver teacher) 3) The carving knowledge database has been designed has been developed by using UML Diagram for user’s system assessment; using Data flow diagram, Use case diagram, Class diagram and Activity diagram for database system design; and separating users as common user and authorized user with identity verification’s requirement in designing the user screen and the carving knowledge-based system. The results of the evaluation were good.

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How to Cite
นันทศรี ช., “Development of knowledge-based system for wooden handicraft: A case study of carvers in Hang Dong and San Pa Tong districts, Chiang Mai province”, Crma. J., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 101–120, Dec. 2017.
Research Articles


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