The Design and Fabrication of Economy Nutrient Flow Technique Vegetable Hydroponics Set

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สมพร คำเรื่อง


The Nutrient Flow Technique (NFLT) Hydroponics is an innovative agriculture. It saves time for culture but requires high investment structure of Hydroponics Set costs and pump electric powers for nutrient solution flow through root of vegetable for 24 hours. The objective of this study is to design and fabrication of economy NFLT Vegetable Hydroponics Set and to compare the efficiency of Hydroponics Set in 3 models for hydroponics vegetable growth. The studying was designed the NFLT Vegetable Hydroponics Set of 20 channels that was 70 cm. width, 85 cm. length and 1.80 m. height in 3 models. That had the height of dam varieties (5, 10 and 15 mm.). Its were brought to trial of lettuce varieties (Red oak, Red puttavia and Butterhead) compared the growth with NFT Hydroponics Set The study was found that the efficiency of NFLT Vegetable Hydroponics Set by the growth of lettuce varieties was found that, at 15 mm.dam height in fresh weight of red oak and red puttavia were significant difference from 5 mm., 10 mm. and NFT but in butterhead was not significant difference. The average root length and number of leaves were not difference.

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How to Cite
คำเรื่อง ส., “The Design and Fabrication of Economy Nutrient Flow Technique Vegetable Hydroponics Set”, Crma. J., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 91–99, Dec. 2017.
Research Articles


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