Microwave Drying of Rice Herb Color Coating

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รัฐศักดิ์ พรหมมาศ
โศภิดา สังข์สุนทร
ณิชาภา มินาบูลย์


This paper presents the experimental study of drying rice soaking in Thai herb with microwave. The purpose is to increase the value of rice and increase the variety of products made from rice. Because Thailand is a rice farmer. Most Thai people prefer to consume rice as the main food, and most consumers prefer herbs that are beneficial and associated with the Thai people for a long time, where herbal rice is another choice for consumers. In the experiment 3 herbs were yellow, red and blue. The rice was dipped in herbal juice and soaked in water for 1, 3 and 5 min. respective. The moisture content was changed between 18-22 %wb. Then microwave drying was performed to reduce the moisture content of the treated rice. Drying with microwave power at 80, 240 and 400 watts. Drying time was 10, 6 and 5 min. After 80 watt microwave drying. The final moisture content of the treated rice was 9 -13 %wb, microwave oven 240 watts. The final moisture content of rice after baking was 7-11 %wb, microwave oven 400 watt. The final moisture content of rice after baking was 4-8. %wb. For the specific energy consumption 80, 240 and 400 W microwave drying were 83.81, 35.67, 35.24 MJ / kg of water evap. respectively.

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พรหมมาศ ร., สังข์สุนทร โ., and มินาบูลย์ ณ., “Microwave Drying of Rice Herb Color Coating”, Crma. J., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 79–89, Dec. 2017.
Research Articles


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