Generating Biogas from Grass Clipping of The Khao Cha-ngok Golf and Country Club Using A Small Biogas Reactor
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This research aims to study the potential of generating biogas from grass clipping and combinations of grass clipping and cattle manure using a small biogas reactor, to study the ignitability of generated biogas and to study methods of generated biogas purification for improving ignitability in order to use generated biogas as fuel in household cooking. The generation materials are divided into one type of material, i.e. cattle manure and grass clipping, and two types of material, i.e. the combinations of grass clipping and cattle manure in ratio 1:3 and 1:1. The volumes of generated biogas were recorded. Testings on ignition characteristics of generated biogas were recorded. Misfired generated biogas were purified by 4 optional chemical methods to remove carbon dioxide. The first chemical methods was to use 100 grams of sodium hydroxide solid in a PVC cylinder. The second chemical methods was to use 1.5 liters of sodium hydroxide solution in a bottle. The third chemical methods was to use 1.5 liters of calcium hydroxide solution in a bottle. The fourth chemical methods was to use 200 liters of calcium hydroxide solution in a gas container set. Then testings on ignition characteristics of purified biogas and the uses of them as fuel in household cooking were recorded. From this research it was found that the combination of grass clipping and cattle manure in ratio 1:1 generated the highest volume of biogas at the average of 48.63 litres per day. Even though biogas was generated but it was not well ignited. The first, the second and the fourth chemical methods made the gas was well ignited and used as fuel in household cooking. However, the fourth chemical method was, the most simple way, to contain calcium hydroxide solution instead of water in the gas container set with no more equipment and step required. It was also found that generated biogas from grass clipping was not ignited, even though it was purified by chemical methods.
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