Quantitative Data Analysis of ESAR Data by Using Polarimetric Focusing Function

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Narathep Phruksahiran


Nowadays, the radar remote sensing technology is being developed rapidly and there are many applications. The synthetic aperture radar is one of important tools that can be used to explore and storage data of the Earth's surface, especially in the identification and classification of different areas. In this paper, we will present a novel method to classify the Earth’s surface based on the different backscattered polarized electromagnetic waves. We will use three types of canonical targets, such as flat plate, dihedral and trihedral corner reflector, to generate the polarized reference function based on the radar cross section by using the principle of Physical optics approximation. And the differential reflectivity and the linear depolarization ratio will be used to obtain the quantitative information of the ground surface.

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How to Cite
N. Phruksahiran, “Quantitative Data Analysis of ESAR Data by Using Polarimetric Focusing Function”, Crma. J., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 21–35, May 2013.
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