Numerical investigation of thermal exchanges for a habitable enclosure in a desert region


  • OUDRANE ABDELLATIF University Center of Tissemsilt (CUT), Road of BOUGARA, Ben Hamouda, 38004, Tissemsilt (Algeria).


Radiation, Habitable enclosure, Nodal method, Thermal exchange, Finite Difference method, ADRAR.


The main objective of this work is to study the thermal exchanges in order to optimize the solar contributions in a habitable enclosure located in a desert region of Algeria (ADRAR). This latter is considered as an air volume of parallelepiped shape limited by horizontal and vertical flat walls, which are the only capacitive elements of the enclosure. They are thermally coupled by conduction, convection and radiation. The external facades of the enclosure are the seat of a convective flux with the external air and radiative exchanges with the environment (ground and sky). Openings (cracks, sealing defects, infiltration orifices, renewal orifices, etc.) allow the air to circulate inside the habitable enclosure and between the inside and the outside. Thermal exchanges are studied using the balance equations established at each wall of the enclosure. These equations are discretized by an implicit finite difference method. The system of algebraic equations thus obtained is solved by the Gauss algorithm using the nodal method. The effects of the outdoor ambient temperature, the density of the incident solar flux and the orientation of the habitable enclosure on the temperatures distributions are analyzed. The evolution of the internal ambient temperature as a function of the wind exposure factor and the degree of leak tightness of the doors and windows is also highlighted at the end of this work. An acceptable agreement was found between the numerical results and those measured by the radiometric station of the ADRAR Saharan Renewable Energy Research Unit. Moreover, the results obtained show that the building material used in this region is the cause of undesirable overheating due to its thermal inertia.

Author Biography

OUDRANE ABDELLATIF, University Center of Tissemsilt (CUT), Road of BOUGARA, Ben Hamouda, 38004, Tissemsilt (Algeria).

Department of Mechanical Power Engineering at Tissemsilt University Center in Algeria


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16 January 2018

How to Cite

ABDELLATIF, O. (2018). Numerical investigation of thermal exchanges for a habitable enclosure in a desert region. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 12(2), 87–105. retrieved from