About the Journal

The School of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (SGtech), one of the leading international academic institutes devoted to teaching and researching in renewable energy and smart grid technologies, is located at Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand. The School also publishes a journal named “IIRE International Journal of Renewable Energy” and currently, the journal has an official rename to "Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology: (J. Renew. Energy Smart Grid Technol. or RAST)". This journal publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of renewable energy and smart grid technologies. The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on up-to-date developments in the field. The importance will be on publishing quality articles rapidly available to researchers worldwide.


IIRE International Journal of Renewable Energy (2006-2017)

ISSN 1905-7172 (Print)

Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (2018 - present)

ISSN 2586-8764 (Print version)

ISSN 2630-0036 (Electronic version)

Journal title abbreviations

Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (RAST): J. Renew. Energy Smart Grid Technol.


Focus and Scope

The purpose of the journal is to disseminate articles relating to renewable energy and smart grid technology, written by  professors and scholars of educational and  research institutes, and including business practitioners. It encourages and supports exchange of information and discussions, with the ultimate goal of widespread deployment and investment in renewable energy and smart grid technologies.
The high-quality research articles are solicited in the regular submission. The Journal also carries reviews on important development areas and these may either be submitted in the regular submission or invited by the editors.
The journal covers the following topics and applications:
  • Photovoltaic Conversion Technology and Applications
  • Solar Thermal Conversion Technology and Applications
  • Biomass Energy Technology and Applications
  • Wind Energy Systems
  • Renewable Energy for Microgrids for Energy Access
  • Concept, Structure and Development of Smart Grid
  • Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and Communications
  • Financing, Economic, Environment, and Policy Aspects of renewable energy and smart grid
  • Energy Savings, Energy Efficiency and Energy Demand Management
  • Demand Response and Virtual Power Plant
  • Energy Forecasting and Analytics
  • Control Techniques for Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Systems
  • Grid Interactive Systems Used in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence Studies in Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Systems
  • Energy Storage Materials and Systems, Electric Vehicle (V2G and G2V)
  • Energy Digital Platform (P2P, Blockchain)
  • Related subjects


Peer Review Process

"All papers included in The Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (RAST) are double-blind peer-reviewed for scientific quality by at least three reviewers from various outside institutions. Only papers that have not been published previously or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere can be submitted for publication in RAST. Authors of papers accepted for publication should agree not to publish any version of their work, in English or any language, without written consent from RAST”.


Publication Frequency

The journal is publish two issues per year;

Issue 1:  January - June

Issue 2:  July - December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge (Free to publish).


Publishing Ethics 

Based on the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE (https://publicationethics.org/)

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal leads to the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is the quality value of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor and the peer reviewer.

   Duties of Editors

  • Publication decision
    Editor should ensure the quality of the articles to well written before publishing in the journal they are in-charge. Moreover, editor should consider primacy, originality, clarity, materials  consistency and conformance with the journal policies in the review and selection of articles to be published. However, editor should not consider accepting articles which have already been published elsewhere, whether in hard or soft copy.

  • Fair play
    Editor must not refuse the publication of an article initially written out of curiosity, but he should assure that the article is properly supported by evidence, referenced and well written. Moreover, editor should assure the total avoidance of plagiarism by using the most reliable software program application for detection of plagiarism.

  • Confidentiality
    Editor should not disclose any individual information about the authors and reviewers of the articles during the duration of the article reviews and keep the information confidential.

  • Disclosure and conflicts of interest
    Editor should demonstrate full disclosure and prove that conflict of interest with authors, reviewers and publication management team do not exist.

  • Involvement and cooperation in investigations
    Editors should stop the review process of articles that give an indication of plagiarism; and make contact with the author/s to demand an explanation immediately. Subsequently, make a final decision whether to “accept” or “refuse” the explanation of the author/s and the article.

   Duties of Authors

  • Reporting standards
    The information should be accurately represented on the report which should include sufficient data and sources.

  • Data access and retention
    The author should provide the data to public access and should retain the details if necessarily.

  • Originality and plagiarism
    The authors should write entirely original articles or if author have used the phrase of other authors, should publish appropriately references.

  • Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication
    Simultaneous manuscript submission is regarded as an unethical matter of authors who are responsible for publicizing the work since it is considered as academic dishonesty and breach of journal terms. If the journal discovers that the author that has behavior as stated, that author may be blacklisted and the other works may not be considered to publicize in the future.

  • Acknowledgement of sources
    Authors must specify the source of funds that support this research. The uses of information from private discussion or confidential services must be specified the permission from the source.

  • Authorship of the paper
    Every author whose name appears in article must be a person who was truly involved in conducting the research, as attested by all members of the group of authors.

  • Hazards and human or animal subjects
    Authors must respect the dignity and rights of human used as examples in works, and treat humanity and the animals with ethics.

  • Disclosure and conflicts of interest
    Authors must specify conflicts of interest (if any), namely any financial support: employment, honoraria, other funding.

  • Fundamental errors in published works
    If there is any mistake appearing in a published work, author who own the work should immediately inform the editor and cooperate with the editor for the correct editing. Otherwise, if the editor realizes that mistake from outsiders, it is author’s responsibility to manage the retraction and editing, and show the correct version of the works to the editor.

  • Sign a copyright agreement
    Authors must agree that the submitted papers are their own works, and those have never been published anywhere.

   Duties of Reviewers

  • Contribution to editorial decisions
    Reviewer should provide assistance to editor for decision making and editor may communicate with author to improve the quality of the article.

  • Promptness
    Reviewer should punctually complete and submit the review of an article. However, reviewer should contract editor immediately if unable to complete the review in time, whether to dismiss the review or investigate for solution.

  • Confidentiality
    Reviewer should not reveal any information, in part or whole, about the article to anyone who are not involved in the review.

  • Standards of objectivity
    Reviewer should be considering a task based on a fact without personal bias.

  • Acknowledgement of source
    Reviewer should be having enough knowledge to provide an unbiassed assignment.

  • Disclosure and conflicts of interest
    When the reviewer might be a possible conflict of interest with author, should either ignore the position and report the editor.


Crossref Membership & DOI assignment

RAST is a member of Crossref, with a DOI prefix of 10.69650. The direct DOI link is https://doi.org/10.69650/rast. Starting from Vol. 18 (2024), all of our published articles are assigned a DOI and registered in Crossref. Additionally, RAST implements reference linking, ensuring that each article's references are verified and DOIs are added.