Author Guidelines
1. The manuscript needs to be written in English. The average number of words in a research article is between 6,000-8,000 words and a review article is between 8,000-10,000 words. The content format consists of:
- Short title (up to 40 characters including spaces), subtitle (if desired), authors' names, affiliation, full postal address and telephone, email address, and fax numbers. Respective affiliations and addresses for co-authors should be clearly indicated.
- Self-contained abstract in the range of 200 to 250 words in a single paragraph outlining the aims, scope, and conclusions; acknowledgments (if any); article title abbreviated appropriately for use as a running headline.
- Not more than six keywords
- Main body of the text
- References
- Appendices
- Tables
- Captions to illustrations
- Illustrations
2. Font size, type, grammar, illustrations, charts, drawings, sketches, and diagrams are submitted on separate sheets and be ready for direct reproduction. All illustrations should be consecutively numbered and given proper legends.
3. Tables should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals and given in a suitable caption. Notes and references within tables should be included with the tables. Superscript letters should refer to notes. The table columns should have an explanatory heading. Table should not repeat data available elsewhere in the article, e.g. in an illustration.
4. Each reference should be sequentially numbered; in brackets in the content. Typical examples:
- Journal references consist of: Author(s)., Title. Journal. Volume (Year) Pages, doi:.
- Book references consist of: Author(s). in Book Title: Title|, Ch. Chapter, Publisher, (Year) Pages, doi:.
- Proceeding references consist of: Author(s). Title. in Conference Name. (Year Published), Pages, doi:.
5. Manuscripts should be prepared in the form of journal style with 1 inch margin of A4 paper and doubled-space. The Standard International System of Units (SI) is required.
6. During paper preparation, the most suitable word-processing software is Microsoft Word (.docx).
Template: A template file is available at here. (Download here)
Reference: The reference style in manuscript should be RAST style. (Download here)
Basic format for conference proceedings (published):
[1] Author. Title. in Conference Name. (Year Published), Pages, doi:.
[2] Phumeesut, K., Suriwong, T., Ketjoy, N. and Chamsa-ard, W. GIS-based Analysis of Solar Power Plant Suitability in Thailand: Minimizing Natural Disaster Risks. in 8th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research (ICBIR). (2023) 1182-1187, doi: 1109/ICBIR57571.2023.10147566.
Basic format for books:
[3] Author. Title. Edition edn, Publisher, Year, doi:.
[4] Xiong, R. Battery Management Algorithm for Electric Vehicles. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2020, doi: .
Book section:
[5] Author. in Book Title: Title|, Ch. Chapter, Publisher, (Year) Pages, doi:.
[6] Sundén, B. in Hydrogen, Batteries and Fuel Cells: Battery technologies, Ch. 4, Academic Press, (2019) 57-79.
[7] Author., Title. Journal. Volume (Year) Pages, doi:.
[8] Dehghani-Sanij, A. R., Tharumalingam, E., Dusseault, M. B. and Fraser, R., Study of energy storage systems and environmental challenges of batteries. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 104 (2019) 192-208, doi:
[9] Author. Title, <URL> (Year).
[10] Bhutada, G. Ranked: Top 25 Nations Producing Battery Metals for the EV Supply Chain, <> (2021).
[11] Author. Title. Report No., Institution, Place Published, (Year) Pages, doi:.
[12] Denholm, P., Cole, W., Frazier, A. W., Podkaminer, K. and Blair, N. The Four Phases of Storage Deployment: A Framework for the Expanding Role of Storage in the U.S. Power System. Report No. NREL/TP-6A20-77480, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (2021) 1-56.