Statistical distribution and energy estimation of the wind speed at Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh


  • Khandaker Dahirul Islam School of Renewable Energy (SCORE), Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290
  • Tanate Chaichana School of Renewable Energy (SCORE), Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290
  • Natthawud Dussadee School of Renewable Energy (SCORE), Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290
  • Akarin Intaniwet School of Renewable Energy (SCORE), Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290


Wind speed, statistical probability distribution function, wind energy, performance measurement


This paper describes some statistical probability distribution functions (pdf) which have been used to measure wind power and energy potential of Saint Martin’s Island situated at 13 kilometers apart from the southern-most tip of Bangladesh. One-year measured wind speed data at 60 meters above ground level (agl) are analyzed in the research with some well-known statistical probability density functions (pdf) namely, Normal distribution, Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution, and Rayleigh distribution. The best distribution technique among the four for the wind speed data of the Island has been measured, and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Bias Error (MBE) are the methods that have been employed throughout the study in order to select the best distribution function. Results for the one-year time-series wind speed data (October 2014-October 2015) recorded every minute of Saint Martin’s Island as per RMSE and MBE performance test revealed that, Weibull probability distribution, whose RMSE and MBE values have been measured to be 1.43 and 0.72 respectively proved to be the best distribution function for the wind power estimation and analysis. Rayleigh distribution follows Weibull pdf in this research. The shape (k) and scale parameters (c) for Weibull and Rayleigh pdf have been calculated using Empirical Method (EM) for the research which are 1.70 and 4.90 m/s respectively for Weibull pdf, where the scale parameter for Rayleigh pdf whose defined shape parameter value is 2, is to be measured as 4.92 m/s. Annual Energy Production (AEP) for Saint Martin’s Island has been measured as 5997 kWh using frequency distribution (histogram).


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21 June 2017

How to Cite

Islam, K. D., Chaichana, T., Dussadee, N., & Intaniwet, A. (2017). Statistical distribution and energy estimation of the wind speed at Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 12(1), 77–88. retrieved from