Cluster's Growth and Energy Demand Simulation Model : A System Dynamic Approach


  • Surapong Soponkij
  • Pard Teekasap
  • Sombat Teekasap


Industrial cluster, High-tech cluster, energy demand, system dynamic, simulation


This paper simulated the growth of industrial cluster and the demand of its energy intensity by using the system dynamic modeling approach.  For a specialized high-tech industrial cluster, its transaction cost as such energy intensity is inevitable as a factor that reflects long-term energy efficiency and the effectiveness of productivity cost.  There is still no empirical finding about cluster growth and energy demand yet it is found that the more cluster’s innovation, the more efficiency of energy factors, and the more effectiveness of a spillover of small-scale industry that change the new dynamic of the high-tech cluster.


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1 May 2018

How to Cite

Soponkij, S., Teekasap, P., & Teekasap, S. (2018). Cluster’s Growth and Energy Demand Simulation Model : A System Dynamic Approach. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 13(1). retrieved from