Experimental co-digestion of carbon rich source and earthworm bedding wastewater to improve Bio-methane potential using experimental design


  • Jutaporn Chanathaworn
  • Kanokwan Phumivanichakit


Earthworm bedding wastewater, Corncob, Corn husk, Co-digestion, Response surface methodology


Corncob and corn husk are a rich source of carbon content. The added high nutrients as carbon content to the anaerobic digestion of nitrogen-rich earthworm bedding wastewater could establish positive synergism for efficient methane production. The experimental results showed that the model had significant (p < 0.05) with R2 value of 0.989. The maximum Bio-methane potential of 26.91% with methane content of 83% was obtained at the optimum conditions of 12% of TS of substrate and 50:50 of corncob to corn husk ratio. Structure analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that the cellulose structure of substrate was destroyed and changed. The destruction of the fiber structure on the surface of corncob and corn husk after digestion was found to be clearly by SEM. The results confirmed that RSM technique with a central composite design were useful tools for optimizing the Bio-methane potential from co-digestion.


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21 June 2018

How to Cite

Chanathaworn, J., & Phumivanichakit, K. (2018). Experimental co-digestion of carbon rich source and earthworm bedding wastewater to improve Bio-methane potential using experimental design. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 13(2). retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RAST/article/view/78730