The principle of power line communications for home energy management system of smart grid technology in Thailand


  • Phatrakit Pisapan
  • Wattanapong Rakwichain
  • Watchara Wongpanyo
  • Bunyawat Vichanpol
  • Chatkaew Chailuecha


Smart grid technology, Communication and information technology, Power line communication (PLC), Home area network (HAN), Demand response management, Home energy management system (HEMS)


Smart grid technology is an energy revolution of the world in the era of globalization which is a result of communication and information technologies developments that can serve the data responds quickly, accurately, anywhere and anytime. Smart grid technology has been extensively studied and developed worldwide with awareness of energy security, energy demand and global climate change. Consequently, the concept of technology integration between communication systems into the electrical system has been innovated to manage and control the use of electricity more efficiently, reduce energy loss and does not destroy the environment to save the world.

A smart grid is an intelligent power network that combines many kinds of future technologies together such as renewable energy, electric vehicle, smart meter, smart home and smart phone and can communicate with each other in the network with the strategy of demand response management.

Power line communication technology is the best one of data communication technology for the smart grid infrastructure in Thailand which can be used with an existing power grid without more investment in new grid installations. In addition, PLC technology is applicable for the large power system as generation system, transmission system and distribution system.

Furthermore, it is suitable for using to developed the control system for household appliances in a home area network which is the key success factor for developing a smart home.

However, the communication between control unit and electric devices can cause real time monitor, measurement and control the system this will result in efficient energy consumption management.


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1 May 2018

How to Cite

Pisapan, P., Rakwichain, W., Wongpanyo, W., Vichanpol, B., & Chailuecha, C. (2018). The principle of power line communications for home energy management system of smart grid technology in Thailand. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 13(1). retrieved from