Application program for renewable energy potential evaluation and appropriate technology selection


  • Panisara Chanchaeng School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University
  • Sukruedee Sukchai School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University


Energy potential, appropriate technology, application program


Thailand is an agricultural country with a good potential for efficient use of renewable energy, however, the country still faces issues associated with the selection of appropriate energy technologies in different areas. The suitable application program is developed in order to help the communities to analyse the appropriate energy technologies to utilize the renewable energy resources available in the target areas. It can help in complement the more efficient use of renewable energy in line with the potential for even more area as well as compliance with energy policies to create energy security in the country. The implementation of the application program with purposive sampling method was performed. The results of Kirk Patrick theory for four types of satisfaction analysis from the users showed that the satisfaction with program using, learning of the participants who used the program, behaviour changing after program using and the evaluation of the results to the agency were 3.55, 3.46, 3.48 and 3.33 respectively. The average value was 3.46.


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16 January 2017

How to Cite

Chanchaeng, P., & Sukchai, S. (2017). Application program for renewable energy potential evaluation and appropriate technology selection. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 11(2), 49–56. retrieved from