Management Model for Biogas Production from Wastewater of Natural Rubber Processing at Community Level


  • Vivat Keawdounglek
  • Wisakha Phoochinda
  • Warangkana Sornil


Factor priority, Waste-to-energy, Renewable energy management


This study aimed to examine factors affecting the management of biogas production from wastewater of natural rubber processing at the community level, and to develop a management model. The methodologies consisted of a literature review on the factors affecting biogas management and the area based on in-depth interviews with three cooperatives of rubber sheet production in Songkhla Province. The data was summarized to find the key factors and criteria. These factors and criteria were prioritized using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to conclude the management model. As a result, there are five key factors including the environmental aspect, social aspect, health impact, economical aspect, and technological aspect respectively. In addition, collaboration with relevant sectors to prevent problems concerning biogas operation and maintenance, biogas funding, and the biogas utilization in the future must be promoted.

Author Biography

Vivat Keawdounglek

Department of Environmental Health 

School of Health Science


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1 May 2018

How to Cite

Keawdounglek, V., Phoochinda, W., & Sornil, W. (2018). Management Model for Biogas Production from Wastewater of Natural Rubber Processing at Community Level. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 13(1). retrieved from