Flexibility concepts for the electrical power supply of Southern Thailand 2050: On the way to a sustainable energy system


  • Helmut Dürrast Geophysics Research Center, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, 90112 HatYai


Electrical energy, Southern Thailand, Renewable energy, Coal, Energy scenarios


Electrical energy production of Southern Thailand currently depends mainly on gas and diesel fired power plants as well as hydro power, with plans to add 3,000 MW of coal based energy in the near future, in Krabi Province at the Andaman Sea and in Songkhla Province at the Gulf of Thailand, with coal shipped from Australia, Indonesia, and South Africa via new deep see ports. At both places the plans face intense resistance by the local population and beyond. Although 'clean technology' might be applied the new coal fired power plants will increase the overall CO2 emissions of Thailand, contradicting any 'climate change' efforts. This might increase the ongoing acidification of the ocean and leading to the death of corals. The coal economy worldwide already has changed due to the ongoing climate change. Several countries either restrict the financial support of new coal fired power plants overseas of shut down their existing ones. Over the last years the price of electricity production from coal is getting less competitive compared to renewable energy sources. Possible energy scenarios for Southern Thailand for 2050 show a promising mix of alternative energy sources for electricity production. It is the role of science and research to develop alternative options with the final decision resting with the political decision makers, businesses, and the civil society; a process, which requires flexibility, creativity, and a constant dialogue.


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16 January 2018

How to Cite

Dürrast, H. (2018). Flexibility concepts for the electrical power supply of Southern Thailand 2050: On the way to a sustainable energy system. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 12(2), 21–29. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RAST/article/view/65129