Spatial Mapping Analysis for Renewable Energy Agricultural Water System of Small Community Farm


  • Ratchada Kamching Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Mechai Pattarapremcharoen Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Songwut Nirunsin Defence Energy Department, Defence Industry and Energy Center
  • Worajit Setthapun Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Spatial Mapping, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, GIS


This research focused on the integration of spatial mapping analysis and renewable energy technology to determine the optimal water source and water distribution technique for small community farm. The study area was the Smart Community of the Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand, which covers approximately 375 rai. The area is a representative of a remote agricultural land that needs a renewable energy-based water system. It was found that a water system relying on a combination of groundwater with solar energy was the most appropriate to be used in the area, compared to other sources such as wind energy. This system was developed by installing a solar-powered groundwater pump to the groundwater well. This practical application could efficiently supply sufficient water for agricultural activities of the community.

The format and the process of analyzing the area’s potential in this research can be applied to develop an appropriate agricultural water system in a remote area with the absence of a power grid. The system can also be useful in reducing costs of energy or fuel. In order to use this approach effectively, the community must adjust the system to match the physical characteristics of its area. The potential of the area in terms of water sources and renewable energy sources will allow the community to have sufficient water and energy to use inside the community.  The community will have security in water and energy sources without relying on the unstable outside power sources.

Author Biography

Worajit Setthapun, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University

Dean of Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


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16 January 2018

How to Cite

Kamching, R., Pattarapremcharoen, M., Nirunsin, S., & Setthapun, W. (2018). Spatial Mapping Analysis for Renewable Energy Agricultural Water System of Small Community Farm. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 12(2), 39–51. retrieved from