Anaerobic co-digestion of tuna factory waste and banana crop residue for biogas production


  • Una Tontakulchanchai School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand
  • Sarayooth Vaivudh School of Renewable Energy Technology, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand


Biogas, Tuna waste, waste management


The objectives of this research are to produce biogas by the co-digestion of tuna factory waste and banana crop residue, then analyze the economic and environmental benefits.  In this research the biogas production supports tuna factory waste management system where the tuna factory waste got treated and converted into useful substances, such as biogas and high quality fertilizer. The aim of this work is to find optimal co-digestion substrates to enhance biogas production from fish wastes. The laboratory scale experiments carried out using 5 different ratios showed that the best anaerobic co-digestion of tuna waste and banana crop residue was achieved with the 2:1, where the biogas production was recorded approximately 113.43 l/d, with a methane content of 55.51%, while the startup COD was 54.46 g/l. In the 30 days evolution in the co-digestion the COD reduced up to 56.72%. The investigation provides useful information to determine the most proper ratios of different co-substrates which results in an optimized biodegradation and enhanced methane potential. The final destination of this research is to take this outcome into action at the full-scale.


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11 February 2016

How to Cite

Tontakulchanchai, U., & Vaivudh, S. (2016). Anaerobic co-digestion of tuna factory waste and banana crop residue for biogas production. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 10(2), 19–25. retrieved from