Potential Development of Makapuno coconut in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam


  • Nguyen Bao Toan Department of Biochemistry and Plant physiology, Can Tho University, 3-2 Street, Can Tho City, Vietnam
  • Vo Cong Thanh Department of Agricultural genetics and Breeding Can Tho University, 3-2 Street, Can Tho City, Vietnam


green biomass, makapuno, biodiesel, products, propagation


In the Mekong delta of Vietnam, there is a coconut variety called Sap coconut or makapuno coconut. Perhaps, this is a mutant coconut type which produced very thick endosperm and viscidity with little or no water. Nowadays, makapuno nuts are used mainly for food processing, very promising for biodiesel in future. The price of makapuno nuts has been rising each year. So the demand of seedlings is also to increase yearly. Based on the demand of makapuno for many different purposes, potential development of makapuno in the Mekong Delta is very high. Studies of the inheritance on makapuno in the Mekong Delta are restricted. However, study results of the inheritance pattern on makapuno bearing trees in the Philippines are very useful for application in the Mekong Delta. Propagation techniques of makapuno could be applied from traditional to modern such as embryo culture. Potential development of makapuno in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam is very promising. Products and by products from makapuno coconut are very diversified and useful and bring back more benefices for farmers. Combination between experiences of farmers and scientific studies will help to develop makapuno plantation obtaining success.


How to Cite

Toan, N. B., & Thanh, V. C. (2014). Potential Development of Makapuno coconut in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 6(2), 21–28. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RAST/article/view/26254