Experimental Investigations on the Mahua Fuelled C.I Engine with Different Oxygenates


  • Ratnakara Rao JNT University, Hyderabad, India
  • Ramachandra Raju College of engineering, JNTU, Vizianagaram, India
  • Muralidhara Rao Swarnandhra College of Engineering, Narsapur, India


Mahua Fuelled, Oxygenates


The present work deals with performance analysis of a Mahua fuelled variable compression ratio C.I engine at a compression ratio 15.7 by the addition of different oxygenates namely, Di Ethyl Ether (DEE), Di Methyl Carbonate (DMC) and a mixture of DEE and DMC in varying quantities . All the experiments were carried out at a constant speed of 1500rpm and a compression ratio of 15.7.

The results showed a significant improvement in the performance and emission characteristics of the engine Optimum mixture blends arrived at based on the brake thermal efficiencies are 10%, 15% and 5% respectively with DEE, DMC and mixture of DEE and DMC blended with Mahua. The addition of DMC to Mahua resulted in reduced smoke densities, exhaust gas temperatures and reduction in the HC& CO emissions however NO emissions found to increase with the increase in DMC share in the blend .

The addition of DEE to Mahua resulted in reduced exhaust gas temperatures and a reduction in HC, CO and NO emissions.

The addition of a mix of DEE and DMC to Mahua also resulted in improved performance and emission parameters of the engine.


How to Cite

Rao, R., Raju, R., & Rao, M. (2014). Experimental Investigations on the Mahua Fuelled C.I Engine with Different Oxygenates. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 3(1), 63–70. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RAST/article/view/26140