Climate Monitoring Station by Solar Power


  • Trinh Quang Dung Solarlab – Department of Solar Energy Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
  • Trieu Van Thang Solarlab – Department of Solar Energy Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
  • Pham Minh Tien Department of Electronic Applied, 1 Mac Dinh Chi Str, 1 Dist, Ho Chi Minh city


Design, Photovoltaic, climate monitoring by solar power


Monitoring station is a very important role for investigation of a lot of subject. Many main positions for monitoring data base located in remote region which have no electricity. This paper presents the design and working principle of a climate monitoring station system of photovoltaic. It is essential to take the survey and observation on environmental temperature, air humidity, salinity, solar radiation and solar parameters of solar station. The data are used not only for fundamental researches but also for forecasting, and making development plan of the region such as: Agriculture (Photosynthesis), Astronomy, Atmospheric Science (Numerical Weather Prediction), Climate Change (Energy Balance), Hydrology (Evaporation), Materials (Degradation), Photobiology (Light and Life), Renewable Energy (Sustainability)


How to Cite

Dung, T. Q., Thang, T. V., & Tien, P. M. (2014). Climate Monitoring Station by Solar Power. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 3(2), 27–38. retrieved from