Parameterization of Heat Island Effect Due to Urbanization and Implications on Energy Use


  • Keiko Sato Department of Physics, BRA Bihar University and Centre for Renewable Energy and Environmental Research, PO Box – 5, Muzaffarpur-842001, Bihar, India
  • S. Sinha Dept of Materials and Life Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Seikei University, 3-3-1, Kichijoji Kitamachi, Mushashinishi, Tokyo 180-8633 Japan
  • S. Kato Department of Physics, BRA Bihar University and Centre for Renewable Energy and Environmental Research, PO Box – 5, Muzaffarpur-842001, Bihar, India
  • T. Kojima Department of Physics, BRA Bihar University and Centre for Renewable Energy and Environmental Research, PO Box – 5, Muzaffarpur-842001, Bihar, India


Heat island, Energy use, Degree of urbanization, VLSPV


Heat Island index is one of the most important parameters in renewable energy application design and development. Scientific evidences indicate that Heat Island Effect can no longer be attributed to biased temperature readings. It influences Global Climate Changes to an extent, which cannot be neglected. Besides, it remains a major consideration in predicting energy demand for thermal comfort, city planning, green area creation, etc. and even in conceptualization of Very Large Scale Photo Voltaic System (VLSPV) installation in deserts for future energy supply. In this paper, long term meteorological data for major cities and its sub urban areas of Japan were collected and analyzed to ascertain its impact at local level. Mathematical expressions are proposed for Parameterization of Heat Island Index and degree of urbanization. Tokyo city is considered as a benchmark and other cities (Fukuoka and Sendai) are evaluated to find out degree of urbanization. Finally its implication on city expansion/planning and energy use has been discussed.


How to Cite

Sato, K., Sinha, S., Kato, S., & Kojima, T. (2014). Parameterization of Heat Island Effect Due to Urbanization and Implications on Energy Use. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 2(1), 1–8. Retrieved from