Thermal Efficiency Development of Solar Selective Absorber Surface for Hot Air in Solar Drying


  • Chanon Bunmephiphit Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


Aluminum Can, Solar Selective Absorber Surface, Solar Absorptance, Thermal Efficiency


Solar selective absorbers are the most using in solar water heaters and heat source to producing hot air for drying. Normally, it was produced by chemical method with complex process. Also, developing the solar selective absorber surface without the complex process for application use will be important. This work focuses on design the solar selective absorber surface for producing hot air in solar drying by using materials residue from coffee can aluminum. Combine coating with spray method for increasing efficiency absorption by Ni-Al powder. The result of coating sprayed by the BOSANY Hi-Temp Spray paint (Black) code 1039 had wavelength in the range 300-2,500 nm affect to highest absorptance efficiency was of 0.98. With comparing solar density has low reflection (R = 0) and high solar absorptance (α = 1) as value theory. the solar density has air mass was 1.5 AM, it has value near solar density. The selective absorber surface characteristic has black surface similar to the sugar crystals or the uniform height of the mountains affected to the anti-reflection. Addition, the coating is able to be used in special thermal applications by maintaining the thermal conductivity of materials over the operational temperature range (50–650 °C). due to thermal efficiency of 0.81 and heat extraction factor coefficient or heat loss (-FRUL) of -18.38 W/m2oC. It can application for producing hot air in solar drying, which is low cost and high thermal efficiency.


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30 December 2023

How to Cite

Bunmephiphit , C. (2023). Thermal Efficiency Development of Solar Selective Absorber Surface for Hot Air in Solar Drying. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 18(2), 32–38. retrieved from