The Analysis of the Location Potential Appropriate for Constructing the Decentralized Electricity Plant from Solar Energy


  • Thanapon Saengsuwan


Decentralize power plant, Renewable energy, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Geographic Information System


Sufficient, flexible and reliable electricity supply that allows demand response plays a vital role in the economic development, as. Electrical power drop or outage may result in big economic losses. This is always a major concern with large fossil fuel based power plants. The world is also facing now environmental problems, such as climate change, caused by the use of fossil fuel-based power plants. On the other hand, decentralized renewable energy-based power plants, like solar PV power plants are now proving to be alternatives to fossil-fuel based power plants. Decentralized renewable energy power plants are now being installed in many places in Thailand, and they are showing that these systems can be reliable, flexible and secured energy supply. More of these systems can be installed in the country. This study aimed to propose a method for identifying and analysing potential locations of decentralized solar PV electricity plants. The method include the use of both the Geographic Information System (or GIS) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A case study was conducted for Chiang Rai province. Using the two processes led to the creation of a map and concluding the information applied in a decision making of finding the appropriate and potential that shows location in Chiang Rai province where are the suitable locations. Locations were classified in terms of elevation levels and by districts of the province. The method is not difficult to apply and can readily be used by investment decision makers in both the government and private sectors.


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20 December 2019

How to Cite

Saengsuwan, T. (2019). The Analysis of the Location Potential Appropriate for Constructing the Decentralized Electricity Plant from Solar Energy. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 14(2). retrieved from