Techno-Financial assessment of Dust Impact on 8 MW PV Power Plant in Thailand


  • Maruphong Konyu Naresuan University
  • Chatchai Sirisamphanwong
  • Nipon Ketjoy


Dust, Solar Spectrum, Photovoltaic


This paper is an e analysis of how dust decreases the electrical power output from photovoltaic (PV) modules by altering the solar spectrum and thereby obstructing the absorbance of solar irradiance by the PV modules. The research were done for 300W polycrystalline silicon modules installed for a 8 MW PV power plant in Phichit province. The output of a clean module surface with that of a dusty surface was compared by calculating the solar irradiance in the measured wavelength range of 350-1,050 nm of spectral irradiance. The income or revenue difference of the PV power plant, with clean and dusty PV moduel surface were analyzed. The findings revealed that accumulated dust affects solar irradiance transmission by 4.02%, causing a decrease of irradiance in the wavelength range of 380-760 nm (visible light). In the high irradiance effect of the dust will be reduced. At a solar irradiance higher than 600 W/m2, the effect of dust will be in wavelengths 350-550 nm. However, in the case of solar irradiance lower than 600 W/m2, the effect of dust will be in wavelengths 350-800 nm. Dust accumulation causes power output degradation of a PV module by reducing the solar irradiance and the transmittance. Power output degradation is linear with the dust accumulated density. The dust accumulation reduces PV power output, after 30 days by 2.8% and after 60 days by 6.2%. When the PV modules of the power plant are not clean for a long time, the monthly revenue from the sale of electricity is greatly reduced to a maximum of 359,000 baht. Therefore, dust accumulation should be removed or at least minimized so that PV modules operate at optimal efficiency.


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1 May 2019

How to Cite

Konyu, M., Sirisamphanwong, C., & Ketjoy, N. (2019). Techno-Financial assessment of Dust Impact on 8 MW PV Power Plant in Thailand. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 14(1). retrieved from