A Novel Analysis of Standalone PV Mini-Grid Model for Climate Change Mitigation in Myanmar’s Rural Village


  • Aung Ze Ya


Myanmar, HOMER Pro, Off-grid, 100% Renewable Fraction PV Mini-grid model, DS, Climate Change Mitigation


PV Mini-grid is becoming the feasible solution for fueling socio-economic development, of off-grid villages in Myanmar. This research work involved techno-economic analysis of five PV mini-grid models. The models were varied by having five demand scenarios (DS) as the sensitivity values. The experience of a village in Ma Gyi Pin Te is shared. The village is located in Taungtha Township, Mandalay region, in central Myanmar where there is high Solar PV potential. The village has 270 households with a population of 1,124. The electricity demand is projected to consist of primary load 1 (96.92 kWh/day, 30.94 kW peak), primary load 2 (588.10 kWh/day, 102.69 kW peak), and the deferrable load (117.53 kWh/day, 44.67 kW peak). After thousands of simulation exercises on off-grid PV mini-grid models using HOMER Pro (version 3.12.0), the optimum model was selected. This proposed model consists of PV modules of capacity of 208 kW, PV-MPPT of 150 kW, Storage Battery (Lead Acid) capacity of 800 kWh, and the Converter of 80.7 kW. Its LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is 0.267 $/kWh. According to the simulation results, Diesel fuel 142,978 L/yr, and its cost 94,366 $/yr will be saved. Also, about the equivalent of CO2 374,263 kg/yr emission will be avoided. This research work can be used for optimization studies to plan and deploy more PV mini-grids in Myanmar to achieve technical and economic efficient rural electrification in off-grid areas that also help in climate mitigation.


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23 April 2019

How to Cite

Ya, A. Z. (2019). A Novel Analysis of Standalone PV Mini-Grid Model for Climate Change Mitigation in Myanmar’s Rural Village. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 14(1). retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RAST/article/view/170835