Role of smart grid in power sector and challenges for its implementation: A review on Indian scenario


  • Santhi Rekha


Energy sources distribution, smart grid technology, implementation, challenges


In recent years, smart grid (SG) is increasingly recognized and undergoing trial and testing in the power sector of both developed and developing countries. SG consists of many advanced technologies to address many issues in conventional electricity networks but faces challenges in adoption and implementation. This paper focuses on the challenges for smart grid implemetation in India.The Government of India (GoI) under National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) has initiated the establishment of the institutional set ups and implementation of pilot projects for the development of smart grids in the country. The main challenges to adopt smart grid technology like interoperability, integration with existing systems, lack of skill and consumer engagement, testing facilities for smart meters and adoption of smart grid regulations were identified. The GoI is making efforts to initiate different strategies to overcome all the above mentioned challenges for the widespread implementation of smart grids to meet future energy demand in reliable and efficient way.



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10 April 2019

How to Cite

Rekha, S. (2019). Role of smart grid in power sector and challenges for its implementation: A review on Indian scenario. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 14(1). retrieved from