Performance of parabolic greenhouse solar dryer equipped with rice husk burning system for banana drying


  • Serm Janjai Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University
  • P. Pankaew
  • O. Aumporn
  • T. Mundpookhiew
  • B.K. Bala


solar dryer, rice husk burning system, banana, energy efficiency


This paper presents performance of a parabolic greenhouse solar dryer equipped with a rice husk burning system for a production of high quality dried banana. The rice husk burning system was designed to provide flue gas free clean heated air to supplement heat to parabolic greenhouse dryer for the production of high quality dried bananas during cloudy and rainy days. Maximum effectiveness of the rice husk burning system was 87.7%. The parabolic greenhouse solar dryer equipped with the rice husk burning system was capable of maintaining sufficient drying temperature to produce high quality dried product. There was a considerable reduction in drying time for drying of banana in the greenhouse solar dryer equipped with the rice husk burning system as compared to natural sun drying and the dried banana was a high quality dried product. The drying efficiency of the parabolic greenhouse solar dryer equipped with a rice husk burning system was 12.6% and the payback period was about 2.2 years.



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4 April 2019

How to Cite

Janjai, S., Pankaew, P., Aumporn, O., Mundpookhiew, T., & Bala, B. (2019). Performance of parabolic greenhouse solar dryer equipped with rice husk burning system for banana drying. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 14(1). retrieved from