Karyotypes of Short Horned Grasshoppers by Conventional Staining Technique
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The Chromosome numbers, karyotypes and idiograms of three species of short-horned grasshoppers in Mueang Sakon Nakhon District, Sakon Nakhon Province were studied from the digestive tract by the direct method of colchicine injection to the abdomen. Then chromosome were dyed with 10% Giemsa’s solution. The results of all species showed diploid chromosome number, 2n=23 and 2n=24 in both male and female, respectively. Karyotype formula showed that Patanga succincta male 2n (23) = L10t + M 2t+ S10t + (XO) and female 2n (24) = L8t + M4t + S10t + (XX), Cyrtacanthacris tatarica male 2n (23) = L8t + M6t + S8t + (XO), and female 2n (24) = L10t + M4t + S8t + (XX) and Hieroglyphus banian male 2n (23) = L8t + M8t +S6t + (XO) and female 2n (24) = L8t+ S14t + (XX). Based on the karyotype formulas of all species, the fundamental chromosome numbers were 23 in all males and 24 in all females consisting of large, medium and small chromosomes. The sex chromosomes between male and female grasshoppers could be separated. It can be used as a basis for comparison with other grasshopper species found in the area.
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