A Development of Online Question Answering System for Student Registration Web Service of University using Ontology Technology
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Providing the information system services for a student in registration work of the university still be a problem in the facilitation of question answering involved with the registration information such as registration process, maintaining study state, changing the campus, changing the faculty, adding or dropping the course, graduation, etc. This problem makes the student encounter difficulty of studying because there is no automatic question answering system provided. This research objective is the creation of the online question answering prototype by using ontology. The research methodology consists of 1) collection of information from the student handbook by sentence analysis, categorizing, word segmentation, stop-word identifying, word representation for creating the answer representation, 2) ontology development for identifying the boundary of knowledge that is comprehensive to registration work, 3) question answering system that processes the question from the user and offers the most relevant answer to the user, and 4) evaluation of the system by precision, recall, and F-measure. The case study of the research is the student registration department of the Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. The results of the system reveal that the precision is 90.91%, recall is 83.33%, and F-measure is 86.96%.
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