Personality Homogeneity Team with Team Performance in Software Engineering Teams : A Case Study in Software Engineering Student

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Nuttaporn Phakdee
Apisit Saengsai


Teamwork is a necessary skill for future software developers in software development projects. Successful teamwork for software development depends on the hard skills and soft skills of software developers. Soft skills are personality traits. Team members should understand similarities and respect the differences among team members in order to improve team efficiency. This research studied the effects of personality homogeneity on team performance by collecting data on 147 third-year software engineering students developing software applications using the scrum technique for one year. The students were divided into 16 teams with 8–10 students per team. Personality traits were measured using MBTI personality assessment and team performance was measured using average software development scores from four different cycles which included scores from the software development process containing eight issues and 40 points, and scores from product evaluation which was ten points. Scores were given by ten software development experts. The results show that similarities in personality among team members have no impact on teamwork and quality of software. Although analyzed results were positively correlated, they were not statistically significant at 0.05.

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How to Cite
Phakdee, N., & Saengsai, A. . (2022). Personality Homogeneity Team with Team Performance in Software Engineering Teams : A Case Study in Software Engineering Student. KKU Science Journal, 50(1), 13–23. retrieved from
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