Use of Unpolished Red Rice (Kaw Man Pu) Flour as A Substituted of Wheat Flour for Steamed Sponge Cake (Pui Fai) Production
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This research was aimed to study on nutritional values of steamed sponge cake (Pui Fai) produced by partial substitution of wheat flour with unpolished red rice (Kaw Man Pu, KMP). Generally, KMP flour contained the contents of fat, ash, and fiber higher than that of wheat flour as 0.43, 0.56 and 3.58%, respectively. In addition, it provided high anthocyanin as 18.26 milligram per gram (dry weight). KMP flour was used to replace wheat flour for steamed sponge cake production at 0% (control), 15%, 30% and 45%. The result showed that the increase in wheat flour substitution with KMP flour affected on steamed sponge cake characteristics such as browning, softer, lower lightness (L*) and higher redness (a*) (p≤0.05). However, the replacement by KMP flour was unaffected on changes in size, specific volume, yellowness (b*) and textural properties (p>0.05). The sensory evaluation conducted by 9-point hedonic scale (50 panelists) showed that the sample with 30% substitution had the highest likeness scores for appearance, color, odor, softness, sweetness, aftertaste, and overall liking. For nutritional value, the chemical study of steamed sponge cake sample with 30% KMP flour contained higher the contents of fiber and anthocyanin than the control (p≤0.05). The KMP flour could substitute wheat flour for steamed sponge cake production with better nutritional value, but the improvement of some sensorial qualities of product should be considered.
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