Development of Healthy Seasoning Pork Rind Product

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Jiraporn Burakorn
Pran Pinthong
Montakan Aimkaew


Pork rind is a popular dish eaten in Thailand which is produced by frying pork skin to make it crispy and then seasoning. Fried food contains reused oil causing diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, vascular disease, etc. This research is to develop oil-free flavored pork rind product using a hot air oven with 6 temperature variations starting from 160 °C to 210 °C. Roasted pork rind was analyzed for the texture characteristics in terms of hardness, brittleness, crispness and sensory quality evaluation by the 9-Point hedonic scale which 60 assessors were used. It was found that at 200 °C for 15 minutes, the texture was blistered and crispy and the pork rind had the highest overall preference score. When comparing the sensory characteristics of roasted pork rind and seasoned fried pork rind for all 4 recipes. It was found that roasted pork rinds and seasoned fried pork rind in formula no. 4 had a taste preference score, the overall taste and preference score were highest. The preference scores on appearance, color and crispness were not significantly different from other formulations (p>0.05). For the product development of fried pork rind and seasoned roasted pork rind, it was found that in comparing the nutritional value roasted pork rind had higher protein content than fried pork rind by 23.21% and had less fat content than fried pork rind by 31.44%. Resulting in the total energy and the fat energy of roasted pork rind was less than that of fried pork rind by 7.73% and 31.44%, respectively. The roasted pork rind and fried pork rind product were stored in aluminum foil bags for 12 weeks at room temperature and undergo sensory testing. It was also accepted by eight sensory assessors. Roasted pork rind is a healthy product that can be substituted for fried pork rind product.

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How to Cite
Burakorn, J. ., Pinthong, P. ., & Aimkaew, M. (2021). Development of Healthy Seasoning Pork Rind Product. KKU Science Journal, 49(3), 274–282. retrieved from
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