Morphology and Distribution of Genus Gnetum in Songkla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat Provinces

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Somsak Buatip
Guntima Haucharoen
Chutima Monchawin


Morphological study of the genus Gnetum in four Southernmost Provinces of Thailand including Songkla, Pattani, Yala and Naratiwat showed that there were 4 species of this genus which are Gnetum gnemon Linn with 2 varieties: G. gnemon var. gnemon Linn. and G. gnemon var. tenerum Markgr., G. macrostachyum Hook.f., G. montanum Markgr. and G. tenuifolium Ridl. The habit of G. gnemon var. gnemon and G. gnemon var. tenerum were trees and shrub respectively whereas, G. macrostachyum, G. montanum and G. tenuifolium were woody climbers. The leaves of both varieties of G. gnemon and G. tenuifolium were chataceous, green and stayed green or yellowish-green when dry. However, the leaves of G. macrostachyum and G. montanum were coriaceous, however when the leaves dried the color was changed from green to black-brown. Female cones were different in all species. Gnetum gnemon has a globose simple cone with sessile seeds. Gnetum macrostachyum has single covered with villose hairs and sessile seeds. Gnetum tenuifolium has simple cones and thin seeds stalked-seeds while G. montanum has branching cone with stout stalked-seeds. The Gnetum were distributed through the area with an elevation from 8-479 meters above sea level in the wild disturbed area, rubber plantations, orchard, sand dunes, swamp forest, mountain and watershed forests. Gnetum gnemon var. gnemon were found only in rubber plantations, along the swamp forest at the To Daeng Peat Swamp Forest, Narathiwat Province. Gnetum montanum were found only in the sand dunes near Ban Tien Ya, Ta Kae Subdistrict, Yaring District, Pattani Province. Gnetum macrostachyum and G. tenuifolium were commonly found in sand dunes, peat swamps forest, rubber plantations, mountain, waterfall and upstream forest. In addition, G. gnemon var. tenerum was a common variety and growing popularity for consumption.

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How to Cite
Buatip, S. ., Haucharoen, G. ., & Monchawin, C. . (2021). Morphology and Distribution of Genus Gnetum in Songkla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat Provinces. KKU Science Journal, 49(3), 254–264. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Somsak Buatip, Department of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000 Thailand

Natural History Museum and Local Learning Network, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani 94000 Thailand


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