Diagame: A Fun Application for Improving Logical Thinking
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Logical thinking is an important foundational skill of programming. The purposes of this research were to develop an application for improved systematic and logical thinking using gamification concepts and to evaluate the effectiveness of this application by using a questionnaire for assessing user satisfaction. The design of the application was based on a concept of mission-based game such as a timer, score, badge, and leaderboard to make it interesting. Furthermore, lessons were divided into stages, and each stage was progressively harder than its predecessor. This application was developed as a web application by using Node.js and Google Cloud Firestore. A questionnaire in five scales was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the applications. The sample group used for testing was a group of 131 freshmen students in software engineering program. The results showed that the average user satisfaction of the application version 2, in 2020, was 4.24 (S.D. = 0.93), higher than that of the application version 1, in 2019, 3.70 (S.D. = 1.02). Therefore, the evaluation results indicate that the current application quality was improved compared with the previous application quality. The application version 2 was improved in the backend and frontend parts. In the backend, the administrator can manage the questions and answers of lessons and adjust difficult levels of questions. There is a dashboard of usage statistics. In the frontend, the application displays a tutorial to users in the first game. During playing game, users can view the score values and send the feedbacks to the administrator.
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